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1,912 lines
File: OCETemplates.p
Contains: Apple Open Collaboration Environment Templates Interfaces.
Version: Technology: AOCE Toolbox 1.02
Release: Universal Interfaces 3.0d3 on Copland DR1
Copyright: © 1984-1996 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
Bugs?: If you find a problem with this file, send the file and version
information (from above) and the problem description to:
Internet: apple.bugs@applelink.apple.com
{$IFC UNDEFINED UsingIncludes}
{$SETC UsingIncludes := 0}
{$IFC NOT UsingIncludes}
UNIT OCETemplates;
{$SETC OCETemplatesIncludes := UsingIncludes}
{$SETC UsingIncludes := 1}
{$I Types.p}
{$I Events.p}
{$I OCE.p}
{$I OCEStandardMail.p}
********************************* Template Resource Constants: *********************************
{ Current versions of all the different template types: }
kDETAspectVersion = -976;
kDETInfoPageVersion = -976;
kDETKillerVersion = -976;
kDETForwarderVersion = -976;
kDETFileTypeVersion = -976;
"Normal" separation for template IDs within the file (this is just a suggestion; you can use whatever
separation you like, so long as two separate templates don't have overlapping resources):
kDETIDSep = 250;
{ A few predefined base IDs (again, just suggestions): }
kDETFirstID = 1000;
kDETSecondID = 1250;
kDETThirdID = 1500;
kDETFourthID = 1750;
kDETFifthID = 2000;
Templates consist of a set of associated resources, at constant offsets from a "base ID" set by the
signature resource of the template. In the case of aspect templates, most of the resources in the
template are accessible from the template as property default values. The property number is the same
as the offset from the base ID of the resource. In describing the resources which make up templates,
we give the type, the offset, and a description. For aspect templates, the offset is also the property #.
All templates include the following resource fork resources:
Type Offset Description
---- ------ -----------
'rstr' kDETTemplateName Contains the name of the template
kDETTemplateName = 0;
Aspects, info-pages, and forwarders include the following as well:
Type Offset Description
---- ------ -----------
'rstr' kDETRecordType Contains the type of record this applies to
'rstr' kDETAttributeType Contains the type of attribute this applies to
'detn' kDETAttributeValueTag Contains the tag of the attribute values this applies to
kDETRecordType = 1;
kDETAttributeType = 2;
kDETAttributeValueTag = 3;
{ ************************************ Aspects }
In the case of aspects, property numbers and resource id offsets are the same. Therefore, some of the following
defines are used for resource offsets, some are used for dynamically generated properties, and some are used for
both (i.e., properties which may be dynamically generated, but if they aren't, then they're taken from the
resource). Resource types are given in all cases below; even if there is no actual resource (for example in
the case of kDETAspectName), it indicates the type for the dynamically generated property. A resource type of
'rstr' corresponds to a property type of kDETPrTypeString; type 'detn' corresponds to kDETPrTypeNumber; and
'detb' corresponds to kDETPrTypeBinary.
Type Offset Description
---- ------ -----------
'deta' 0 Identifies the type of resource
'detc' kDETCode Is the code resource, if any is used
'ICN#' kDETAspectMainBitmap
'icl8' kDETAspectMainBitmap
'icl4' kDETAspectMainBitmap
'ics#' kDETAspectMainBitmap
'ics8' kDETAspectMainBitmap
'ics4' kDETAspectMainBitmap
'sicn' kDETAspectMainBitmap Is the icon suite to display for this item type (main aspect only)
'rstr' kDETAspectName Contains the name of the item (attribute main aspect only)
'rst#' kDETAspectCategory Contains the internal categories for the record type (main aspect only)
'rst#' kDETAspectExternalCategory Contains the external (user-visible) names which correspond to the categories in
kDETAspectCategory; if this resource is not present, external names are taken from
another template; if no other template provides an external name for a given internal
category, the internal name is used as the external name (main aspect only)
'rstr' kDETAspectKind Is the item kind to display (main aspect only)
'detn' kDETAspectGender Is the gender of this kind of object for internationalization (main aspect only)
'rstr' kDETAspectWhatIs Is the string for balloon help when item is in sublist (main aspect only)
'rstr' kDETAspectAliasKind Is the item kind to display for aliases to this type of item (main aspect only)
'detn' kDETAspectAliasGender Is the gender of an alias to this kind of object for internationalization (main aspect only)
'rstr' kDETAspectAliasWhatIs Is the string for balloon help when an alias to the item is in sublist (main aspect only)
'rst#' kDETAspectBalloons Is a list of strings for balloon help; for each item in an info-page, it's
property # times 2 is used as an index into this array; if the item is not editable,
then the property # times 2 plus 1 is used
'rstr' kDETAspectNewMenuName Is the string to be used for the user to select new item creation; for records, the
string is used as a menu entry in the Catalogs menu; for attributes, the string
is used in a selection dialog invoked by an "Add..." button
'rstr' kDETAspectNewEntryName Is the name to be used for new records (with a digit appended if not unique)
'detb' kDETAspectNewValue Is the value to use when creating a new attribute value; the first four bytes
is the tag; the rest is the attribute value contents
'detn' kDETAspectSublistOpenOnNew If true (non-zero), automatically open newly created entries (property can be set
from a code resource, or via a default value in a resource)
'dett' kDETAspectLookup Is the attribute-to-property translation table
'rstr' kDETAspectDragInString Is a string describing the action of dragging into this aspect (if any)
'rstr' kDETAspectDragInVerb Is a single, short word that's the verb of the action (like "add" or "drop"; if
there's any doubt, use "OK")
'rstr' kDETAspectDragInSummary Is a short phrase that describes the action, suitable to be included in a selection list
'rst#' kDETAspectRecordDragIn Is a list of type pairs; in each pair, the first is the type of a record which
can be dragged into this aspect, and the second is the attribute type to store
the reference in
'rst#' kDETAspectRecordCatDragIn Is a list of category/attribute type pairs; in each pair, the first is the
category of records which can be dragged in, and the second is the type of
attribute to place the alias in
'rst#' kDETAspectAttrDragIn Is a list of type triples; in each triple, the first is the record type which can be
dragged from (or "" for any), the second is the attribute type which can be dragged
in, and the third is the attribute type to store the new attribute in
'rst#' kDETAspectDragOut Is a list of attribute types which can be dragged out of this aspect (an 'rst#'
resource with no entries means nothing can be dragged out; no 'rst#' resource means
everything can be dragged out)
'detm' kDETAspectViewMenu Is a table to fill in the view menu from
'detp' kDETAspectReverseSort Is a table listing which properties to sort in reverse order
'detw' kDETAspectInfoPageCustomWindow Is a specification of a custom window size/placement & whether to use the
page-selector (main aspect only)
'detv' kDETAspectInfoPageCustomWindow Is a view list which is common to all info-pages (main aspect only)
kDETAspectCode = 4;
kDETAspectMainBitmap = 5;
kDETAspectName = 6;
kDETAspectCategory = 7;
kDETAspectExternalCategory = 8;
kDETAspectKind = 9;
kDETAspectGender = 10;
kDETAspectWhatIs = 11;
kDETAspectAliasKind = 12;
kDETAspectAliasGender = 13;
kDETAspectAliasWhatIs = 14;
kDETAspectBalloons = 15;
kDETAspectNewMenuName = 16;
kDETAspectNewEntryName = 17;
kDETAspectNewValue = 18;
kDETAspectSublistOpenOnNew = 19;
kDETAspectLookup = 20;
kDETAspectDragInString = 21;
kDETAspectDragInVerb = 22;
kDETAspectDragInSummary = 23;
kDETAspectRecordDragIn = 24;
kDETAspectRecordCatDragIn = 25;
kDETAspectAttrDragIn = 26;
kDETAspectAttrDragOut = 27;
kDETAspectViewMenu = 28;
kDETAspectReverseSort = 29;
kDETAspectInfoPageCustomWindow = 30;
{ Properties: }
kDETNoProperty = -1;
{ Each aspect has 250 attribute properties in this range: }
kDETFirstLocalProperty = 0;
kDETLastLocalProperty = 249;
{ Developers should use property numbers starting at this point: }
kDETFirstDevProperty = 40;
The following range provides constant numeric properties for use in patterns and comparisons (constant n is
given by kDETFirstConstantProperty+n):
kDETFirstConstantProperty = 250;
kDETLastConstantProperty = 499;
{ To convert a number into a constant property, add this: }
kDETConstantProperty = 250;
kDETZeroProperty = 250;
kDETOneProperty = 251;
kDETFalseProperty = 250;
kDETTrueProperty = 251;
{ The following apply to records, attributes, or aliases; they are the name and kind, as they appear in icon lists: }
kDETPrName = 3050;
kDETPrKind = 3051;
{ Access mask properties: }
kDETDNodeAccessMask = 25825; { The DNode access mask }
kDETRecordAccessMask = 25826; { The record access mask }
kDETAttributeAccessMask = 25827; { The attribute access mask }
kDETPrimaryMaskByBit = 25828; { A set of sixteen properties to access all bits of the primary mask }
{ See AOCE documentation for details definitions of each of these bits: }
kDETPrimarySeeMask = 25828;
kDETPrimaryAddMask = 25829;
kDETPrimaryDeleteMask = 25830;
kDETPrimaryChangeMask = 25831;
kDETPrimaryRenameMask = 25832;
kDETPrimaryChangePrivsMask = 25833;
kDETPrimaryTopMaskBit = 25843;
{ The following property is zero until we've completed the first catalog lookup; from then on it's 1 }
kDETPastFirstLookup = 26550;
{ The following property is the page number; issuing a property command with this property will flip info-pages }
kDETInfoPageNumber = 27050;
The value of the following properties contains the template number of the targeted aspect's template, and the
currently open info-page (if any). These values can be used with kDETAspectTemplate and kDETInfoPageTemplate
target selectors.
kDETAspectTemplateNumber = 26551;
kDETInfoPageTemplateNumber = 26552;
{ Properties for property commands to deal with sublist items: }
kDETOpenSelectedItems = 26553; { Open selected sublist items }
kDETAddNewItem = 26554; { Add new sublist item }
kDETRemoveSelectedItems = 26555; { Remove selected sublist items }
Property types are used to specify types of properties and conversions between types (zero and negative numbers
are reserved for Apple; developer code resources can use positive numbers):
kDETPrTypeNumber = -1; { A number }
kDETPrTypeString = -2; { A string }
kDETPrTypeBinary = -3; { A binary block }
{ ************************************ Info-pages }
Info-pages include the following as well:
Type Offset Description
---- ------ -----------
'deti' 0 Identifies the type of resource; see below for details on the contents
'rstr' kDETInfoPageName Is the name of the view to use in the page selection pop-up
'rstr' kDETInfoPageMainViewAspect Is the name of the aspect to use with the main page view
'rstr' kDETInfoPageMenuName Is the name of the catalogs menu ("Catalogs" if not present)
'detm' kDETInfoPageMenuEntries Are menu entries to go in the Catalogs menu
kDETInfoPageName = 4;
kDETInfoPageMainViewAspect = 5;
kDETInfoPageMenuName = 6;
kDETInfoPageMenuEntries = 7;
************************************ Views
kDETNoFlags = 0; { Main view (non-sublist) field enabled }
kDETEnabled = $01;
{ The following flags make sense for items in a sublist only }
{ Hilight view when entry is selected }
kDETHilightIfSelected = $01;
{ The following flags make sense for text views only }
kDETNumericOnly = $08; { Only allow the user to enter digits }
kDETMultiLine = $10; { Allow multiple lines in view }
kDETDynamicSize = $0200; { Don't draw box around text until user clicks in it, then auto-size it }
{ Don't allow the user to enter colons (convert ":"s to "-"s) }
kDETAllowNoColons = $0400;
{ The following flags are used for pop-up menus only }
{ Automatically resize pop-up based on contents }
kDETPopupDynamicSize = $0100;
{ The following flags are used for EditPicture views only }
{ Scale picture to view bounds rather than cropping }
kDETScaleToView = $0100;
{ Sizes for icons }
kDETLargeIcon = 0;
kDETSmallIcon = 1;
kDETMiniIcon = 2;
{ Stolen from TextEdit.h }
kDETLeft = 0;
kDETCenter = 1;
kDETRight = -1;
kDETForceLeft = -2;
{ Flags for use within Box view type attributes - these are distinct from the flags above }
kDETUnused = 0;
kDETBoxTakesContentClicks = $01;
kDETBoxIsRounded = $02;
kDETBoxIsGrayed = $04;
kDETBoxIsInvisible = $08;
{ The common font info }
kDETApplicationFont = 1;
kDETApplicationFontSize = 9;
kDETAppFontLineHeight = 12;
kDETSystemFont = 0;
kDETSystemFontSize = 12;
kDETSystemFontLineHeight = 16;
kDETDefaultFont = 1;
kDETDefaultFontSize = 9;
kDETDefaultFontLineHeight = 12;
{ These were taken from QuickDraw.h (where they're enums and therefore unusable in resource definitions): }
kDETNormal = 0;
kDETBold = 1;
kDETItalic = 2;
kDETUnderline = 4;
kDETOutline = 8;
kDETShadow = $10;
kDETCondense = $20;
kDETExtend = $40;
kDETIconStyle = -3; { Normal text style for regular sublist entries, italic text style for aliases }
{ View menu: }
kDETChangeViewCommand = 'view'; { Change the view; used especially in StaticCommandTextFromView sublist headers }
{ Info-page window sizes: }
{ Default record info-pages: }
kDETRecordInfoWindHeight = 228;
kDETRecordInfoWindWidth = 400;
{ Default attribute info-pages: }
kDETAttributeInfoWindHeight = 250;
kDETAttributeInfoWindWidth = 230;
{ Page identifying icon (for default info-page layout): }
kDETSubpageIconTop = 8;
kDETSubpageIconLeft = 8;
kDETSubpageIconBottom = 40;
kDETSubpageIconRight = 40;
************************************ Killers
Killers include the following as well:
Type Offset Description
---- ------ -----------
'detk' 0 Identifies the type of resource; see below for details on the contents
'rst#' kDETKillerName Contains a list of template names to be killed
kDETKillerName = 1;
************************************ Forwarders
Forwarders include the following as well:
Type Offset Description
---- ------ -----------
'detf' 0 Identifies the type of resource; see below for details on the contents
'rst#' kDETForwarderTemplateNames Contains a list of names of templates to forward to
kDETForwarderTemplateNames = 4;
{ ********************************************************************************* }
{ ******************************** Code Resources: ******************************** }
{ ********************************************************************************* }
{ Target specification: }
kDETSelf = 0; { The "current" item }
kDETSelfOtherAspect = 1; { Another aspect of the current item }
kDETParent = 2; { The parent (i.e., the aspect we're in the sublist of, if any) of the current item }
kDETSublistItem = 3; { The itemNumberth item in the sublist }
kDETSelectedSublistItem = 4; { The itemNumberth selected item in the sublist }
kDETDSSpec = 5; { The item specified by the packed DSSpec }
kDETAspectTemplate = 6; { A specific aspect template (number itemNumber) }
kDETInfoPageTemplate = 7; { A specific info-page template (number itemNumber) * Force type to be short }
kDETHighSelector = $F000;
DETTargetSelector = LONGINT;
DETTargetSpecificationPtr = ^DETTargetSpecification;
DETTargetSpecification = RECORD
selector: DETTargetSelector; { Target selection method (see above) }
aspectName: RStringPtr; { The name of the aspect (kDETSelfOtherAspect, kDETSublistItem, }
{ kDETSelectedSublistItem, kDETDSSpec); nil for main aspect or none; }
{ always filled in for calls if there is an aspect, even if it's the main aspect }
itemNumber: LONGINT; { Sublist index (kDETSublistItem & kDETSelectedSublistItem & kDETAspectTemplate); }
{ 1-based indexing }
dsSpec: PackedDSSpecPtr; { DSSpec (kDETDSSpec only) }
Code resource calls and call-backs both return an OSType:
kDETDidNotHandle (1) = used by template to say "I didn't handle it" (for calls only)
noErr = function completed successfully
any error = function failed, and here's why
Call-back functions:
reqFunction Action
----------- ------
kDETcmdBeep Call SysBeep; useful for testing that a code resource's calls/call-backs are working at all
kDETcmdBusy Put up watch cursor and switch processes; user events elicit a beep
kDETcmdChangeCallFors Change call-fors mask
kDETcmdGetCommandSelectionCount Get the command selection count (for calls which have a command selection list)
kDETcmdGetCommandItemN Get command selection item n (for calls which have a command selection list)
kDETcmdOpenDSSpec PackedDSSpec open (can also be done via AppleEvents -- this is a short-cut)
kDETcmdAboutToTalk About to talk to user: bring us to front, disable watch cursor, etc.
kDETcmdUnloadTemplates Flush templates
kDETcmdTemplateCounts Return number of aspect and info-page templates in system
kDETcmdGetDSSpec Get the PackedDSSpec for this object
kDETcmdSublistCount Return the count of the sublist items
kDETcmdSelectedSublistCount Return the count of the selected sublist items
kDETcmdRequestSync Request a sync-up of the aspect with the catalog
kDETcmdBreakAttribute Break an attribute -- apply all applicable patterns to an attribute to generate properties
kDETcmdGetTemplateFSSpec Get the FSSpec of the file containing the template
kDETcmdGetOpenEdit Return the property of the view being edited (or kDETNoProperty if none)
kDETcmdCloseEdit Close the current edit
kDETcmdGetPropertyType Get a property type
kDETcmdGetPropertyNumber Get a property, number format
kDETcmdGetPropertyRString Get a property, RString format
kDETcmdGetPropertyBinarySize Get a property, binary, return size
kDETcmdGetPropertyBinary Get a property, binary format
kDETcmdGetPropertyChanged Get a property changed flag
kDETcmdGetPropertyEditable Get a property editable flag
kDETcmdSetPropertyType Set a property type
kDETcmdSetPropertyNumber Set a property, number format
kDETcmdSetPropertyRString Set a property, RString format
kDETcmdSetPropertyBinary Set a property, binary data & size
kDETcmdSetPropertyChanged Set a property changed flag
kDETcmdSetPropertyEditable Set a property editable flag
kDETcmdDirtyProperty Dirty a property (notify other code resources of change)
kDETcmdDoPropertyCommand Issue a property command
kDETcmdAddMenu Add to the end of a dynamic menu
kDETcmdRemoveMenu Remove a dynamic menu item
kDETcmdMenuItemRString Get a dynamic menu item RString
kDETcmdSaveProperty Force a save of a property -- apply all applicable patterns to write out the property
kDETcmdGetCustomViewUserReference Get custom view user reference (as given in .r file)
kDETcmdGetCustomViewBounds Get custom view current bounds
kDETcmdGetResource Get a resource from a template
kDETcmdSimpleCallback = 0;
kDETcmdBeep = 1;
kDETcmdBusy = 2;
kDETcmdChangeCallFors = 3;
kDETcmdGetCommandSelectionCount = 4;
kDETcmdGetCommandItemN = 5;
kDETcmdOpenDSSpec = 6;
kDETcmdAboutToTalk = 7;
kDETcmdUnloadTemplates = 8;
kDETcmdTemplateCounts = 9;
kDETcmdTargetedCallback = 1000;
kDETcmdGetDSSpec = 1001;
kDETcmdSublistCount = 1002;
kDETcmdSelectedSublistCount = 1003;
kDETcmdRequestSync = 1004;
kDETcmdBreakAttribute = 1005;
kDETcmdGetTemplateFSSpec = 1006;
kDETcmdGetOpenEdit = 1007;
kDETcmdCloseEdit = 1008;
kDETcmdPropertyCallback = 2000;
kDETcmdGetPropertyType = 2001;
kDETcmdGetPropertyNumber = 2002;
kDETcmdGetPropertyRString = 2003;
kDETcmdGetPropertyBinarySize = 2004;
kDETcmdGetPropertyBinary = 2005;
kDETcmdGetPropertyChanged = 2006;
kDETcmdGetPropertyEditable = 2007;
kDETcmdSetPropertyType = 2008;
kDETcmdSetPropertyNumber = 2009;
kDETcmdSetPropertyRString = 2010;
kDETcmdSetPropertyBinary = 2011;
kDETcmdSetPropertyChanged = 2012;
kDETcmdSetPropertyEditable = 2013;
kDETcmdDirtyProperty = 2014;
kDETcmdDoPropertyCommand = 2015;
kDETcmdAddMenu = 2016;
kDETcmdRemoveMenu = 2017;
kDETcmdMenuItemRString = 2018;
kDETcmdSaveProperty = 2019;
kDETcmdGetCustomViewUserReference = 2020;
kDETcmdGetCustomViewBounds = 2021;
kDETcmdGetResource = 2022; { Force type to be long }
kDETcmdHighCallback = $F0000000;
DETCallBackFunctions = LONGINT;
Call functions:
reqFunction Action
----------- ------
kDETcmdInit Called once when template is first loaded (good time to allocate private data); returns call-for list
kDETcmdExit Called once when template is freed (good time to free private data)
kDETcmdAttributeCreation New sublist attribute creation about to occur; this gives the template a chance to modify
the value that's about to be created; sent to the template that will be used for
the main aspect of the new entry
kDETcmdDynamicForwarders Return a list of dynamically created forwarders
kDETcmdInstanceInit Called once when instance of template is started (good time to allocate private instance data)
kDETcmdInstanceExit Called once when instance is ended (good time to free private instance data)
kDETcmdIdle Called periodically during idle times
kDETcmdViewListChanged Called when the info-page view-list (list of enabled views) has changed
kDETcmdValidateSave Validate save: about to save info-page, return noErr (or kDETDidNotHandle) if it's OK to do so
kDETcmdDropQuery Drop query: return the appropriate operation for this drag; ask destination
kDETcmdDropMeQuery Drop query: return the appropriate operation for this drag; ask dropee
kDETcmdAttributeNew Attribute value new (return kDETDidNotHandle to let normal new processing occur)
kDETcmdAttributeChange Attribute value change (return kDETDidNotHandle to let normal change processing occur)
kDETcmdAttributeDelete Attribute value delete (return kDETDidNotHandle to let normal deletion occur); sent to the
main aspect of the attribute that's about to be deleted
kDETcmdItemNew Target item (record or attribute) has just been created
kDETcmdOpenSelf Self open (return noErr to prevent opening; return kDETDidNotHandle to allow it)
kDETcmdDynamicResource Return a dynamically created resource
kDETcmdShouldSync Check if the code resource wants to force a sync (update data from catalog)
kDETcmdDoSync Give code resource a chance to sync (read in and break all attributes)
kDETcmdPropertyCommand Command received in the property number range (usually means a button's been pushed)
kDETcmdMaximumTextLength Return maximum size for text form of property
kDETcmdPropertyDirtied Property dirtied, need to redraw
kDETcmdPatternIn Custom pattern element encountered on reading in an attribute
kDETcmdPatternOut Custom pattern element encountered on writing out an attribute
kDETcmdConvertToNumber Convert from template-defined property type to number
kDETcmdConvertToRString Convert from template-defined property type to RString
kDETcmdConvertFromNumber Convert from number to template-defined property type
kDETcmdConvertFromRString Convert from RString to template-defined property type
kDETcmdCustomViewDraw Custom view draw
kDETcmdCustomViewMouseDown Custom view mouse down
kDETcmdKeyPress Key press (used primarily to filter entry into EditText views)
kDETcmdPaste Paste (used primarily to filter entry into EditText views)
kDETcmdCustomMenuSelected Custom Catalogs menu selected
kDETcmdCustomMenuEnabled Return whether custom Catalogs menu entry should be enabled
kDETcmdSimpleCall = 0;
kDETcmdInit = 1;
kDETcmdExit = 2;
kDETcmdAttributeCreation = 3;
kDETcmdDynamicForwarders = 4;
kDETcmdTargetedCall = 1000;
kDETcmdInstanceInit = 1001;
kDETcmdInstanceExit = 1002;
kDETcmdIdle = 1003;
kDETcmdViewListChanged = 1004;
kDETcmdValidateSave = 1005;
kDETcmdDropQuery = 1006;
kDETcmdDropMeQuery = 1007;
kDETcmdAttributeNew = 1008;
kDETcmdAttributeChange = 1009;
kDETcmdAttributeDelete = 1010;
kDETcmdItemNew = 1011;
kDETcmdOpenSelf = 1012;
kDETcmdDynamicResource = 1013;
kDETcmdShouldSync = 1014;
kDETcmdDoSync = 1015;
kDETcmdPropertyCall = 2000;
kDETcmdPropertyCommand = 2001;
kDETcmdMaximumTextLength = 2002;
kDETcmdPropertyDirtied = 2003;
kDETcmdPatternIn = 2004;
kDETcmdPatternOut = 2005;
kDETcmdConvertToNumber = 2006;
kDETcmdConvertToRString = 2007;
kDETcmdConvertFromNumber = 2008;
kDETcmdConvertFromRString = 2009;
kDETcmdCustomViewDraw = 2010;
kDETcmdCustomViewMouseDown = 2011;
kDETcmdKeyPress = 2012;
kDETcmdPaste = 2013;
kDETcmdCustomMenuSelected = 2014;
kDETcmdCustomMenuEnabled = 2015;
kDETcmdHighCall = $F0000000; { Force the type to be long }
DETCallFunctions = LONGINT;
{ Valid commandIDs for DETDropQueryBlock and DETDropMeQueryBlock (in addition to property numbers): }
kDETDoNothing = 'xxx0';
kDETMove = 'move';
kDETDrag = 'drag';
kDETAlias = 'alis';
DETProtoCallBackBlockPtr = ^DETProtoCallBackBlock;
DETProtoCallBackBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallBackFunctions; { Requested function }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target for the request }
property: INTEGER; { The property to apply the request to }
DETBeepBlockPtr = ^DETBeepBlock;
reqFunction: DETCallBackFunctions; { Requested function }
DETBusyBlockPtr = ^DETBusyBlock;
reqFunction: DETCallBackFunctions; { Requested function }
DETChangeCallForsBlockPtr = ^DETChangeCallForsBlock;
DETChangeCallForsBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallBackFunctions; { Requested function }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target for the request }
newCallFors: LONGINT; { -> New call-for mask }
DETGetCommandSelectionCountBlockPtr = ^DETGetCommandSelectionCountBlock;
DETGetCommandSelectionCountBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallBackFunctions; { Requested function }
count: LONGINT; { <- The number of items in the command selection list }
kDETHFSType = 0; { HFS item type }
kDETDSType = 1; { Catalog Service item type }
kDETMailType = 2; { Mail (letter) item type }
kDETMoverType = 3; { Sounds, fonts, etc., from inside a suitcase or system file }
kDETLastItemType = $F0000000; { Force it to be a long (C & C++ seem to disagree about the definition of 0xF000) }
{ FSSpec plus possibly interesting additional info }
DETFSInfoPtr = ^DETFSInfo;
fileType: OSType; { File type }
fileCreator: OSType; { File creator }
fdFlags: INTEGER; { Finder flags }
fsSpec: FSSpec; { FSSpec }
DSRecPtr = ^DSRec;
dsSpec: ^PackedDSSpecPtr; { <- DSSpec for item (caller must DisposHandle() when done) }
refNum: INTEGER; { <- Refnum for returned address }
identity: AuthIdentity; { <- Identity for returned address }
ItemRecPtr = ^ItemRec;
ItemRec = RECORD
0: (
fsInfo: ^DETFSInfoPtr; { <- FSSpec & info for item (caller must DisposHandle() when done) }
1: (
ds: DSRec;
2: (
dsSpec: ^PackedDSSpecPtr; { <- DSSpec for item (caller must DisposHandle() when done) }
3: (
ltrSpec: ^LetterSpecPtr; { <- Letter spec for item (caller must DisposHandle() when done) }
DETGetCommandItemNBlockPtr = ^DETGetCommandItemNBlock;
DETGetCommandItemNBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallBackFunctions; { Requested function }
itemNumber: LONGINT; { -> Item number to retrieve (1-based) }
itemType: DETItemType; { -> Type of item to be returned (if we can interpret it as such) }
item: ItemRec;
DETGetDSSpecBlockPtr = ^DETGetDSSpecBlock;
reqFunction: DETCallBackFunctions; { Requested function }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target for the request }
dsSpec: ^PackedDSSpecPtr; { <- Handle with result (caller must DisposHandle() when done) }
refNum: INTEGER; { <- Refnum for address if PD }
identity: AuthIdentity; { <- Identity for address }
isAlias: BOOLEAN; { <- True if this entry is an alias }
isRecordRef: BOOLEAN; { <- True if this entry is a record reference (reserved) }
DETGetTemplateFSSpecBlockPtr = ^DETGetTemplateFSSpecBlock;
DETGetTemplateFSSpecBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallBackFunctions; { Requested function }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target for the request }
fsSpec: FSSpec; { <- FSSpec of template file }
baseID: INTEGER; { <- Base ID of this template }
aspectTemplateNumber: LONGINT; { <- The template number for this aspect template }
DETGetOpenEditBlockPtr = ^DETGetOpenEditBlock;
DETGetOpenEditBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallBackFunctions; { Requested function }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target for the request }
viewProperty: INTEGER; { <- The property of the view being edited (or kNoProperty if none) }
DETCloseEditBlockPtr = ^DETCloseEditBlock;
DETCloseEditBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallBackFunctions; { Requested function }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target for the request }
DETGetPropertyTypeBlockPtr = ^DETGetPropertyTypeBlock;
DETGetPropertyTypeBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallBackFunctions; { Requested function }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target for the request }
property: INTEGER; { The property to apply the request to }
propertyType: INTEGER; { <- The type of the property }
DETGetPropertyNumberBlockPtr = ^DETGetPropertyNumberBlock;
DETGetPropertyNumberBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallBackFunctions; { Requested function }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target for the request }
property: INTEGER; { The property to apply the request to }
propertyValue: LONGINT; { <- The value of the property }
DETGetPropertyRStringBlockPtr = ^DETGetPropertyRStringBlock;
DETGetPropertyRStringBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallBackFunctions; { Requested function }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target for the request }
property: INTEGER; { The property to apply the request to }
propertyValue: RStringHandle; { <- A handle containing the property (as an RString) (caller must DisposHandle() when done) }
DETGetPropertyBinarySizeBlockPtr = ^DETGetPropertyBinarySizeBlock;
DETGetPropertyBinarySizeBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallBackFunctions; { Requested function }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target for the request }
property: INTEGER; { The property to apply the request to }
propertyBinarySize: LONGINT; { <- The size of the property as a binary block }
DETGetPropertyBinaryBlockPtr = ^DETGetPropertyBinaryBlock;
DETGetPropertyBinaryBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallBackFunctions; { Requested function }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target for the request }
property: INTEGER; { The property to apply the request to }
propertyValue: Handle; { <- Handle with the value of the property (caller must DisposHandle() when done) }
DETGetPropertyChangedBlockPtr = ^DETGetPropertyChangedBlock;
DETGetPropertyChangedBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallBackFunctions; { Requested function }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target for the request }
property: INTEGER; { The property to apply the request to }
propertyChanged: BOOLEAN; { <- True if the property is marked as changed }
filler1: BOOLEAN;
DETGetPropertyEditableBlockPtr = ^DETGetPropertyEditableBlock;
DETGetPropertyEditableBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallBackFunctions; { Requested function }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target for the request }
property: INTEGER; { The property to apply the request to }
propertyEditable: BOOLEAN; { <- True if the property can be edited by the user (if false, view will appear disabled) }
filler1: BOOLEAN;
DETSetPropertyTypeBlockPtr = ^DETSetPropertyTypeBlock;
DETSetPropertyTypeBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallBackFunctions; { Requested function }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target for the request }
property: INTEGER; { The property to apply the request to }
newType: INTEGER; { -> New type for property (just sets type, does not convert contents) }
DETSetPropertyNumberBlockPtr = ^DETSetPropertyNumberBlock;
DETSetPropertyNumberBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallBackFunctions; { Requested function }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target for the request }
property: INTEGER; { The property to apply the request to }
newValue: LONGINT; { -> New value to set property to (and set type to number) }
DETSetPropertyRStringBlockPtr = ^DETSetPropertyRStringBlock;
DETSetPropertyRStringBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallBackFunctions; { Requested function }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target for the request }
property: INTEGER; { The property to apply the request to }
newValue: RStringPtr; { -> New value to set property to (and set type to RString) }
DETSetPropertyBinaryBlockPtr = ^DETSetPropertyBinaryBlock;
DETSetPropertyBinaryBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallBackFunctions; { Requested function }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target for the request }
property: INTEGER; { The property to apply the request to }
newValue: Ptr; { -> New value to set property to (and set type to binary) }
newValueSize: LONGINT; { -> Size of new value }
DETSetPropertyChangedBlockPtr = ^DETSetPropertyChangedBlock;
DETSetPropertyChangedBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallBackFunctions; { Requested function }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target for the request }
property: INTEGER; { The property to apply the request to }
propertyChanged: BOOLEAN; { -> Value to set changed flag on property to }
filler1: BOOLEAN;
DETSetPropertyEditableBlockPtr = ^DETSetPropertyEditableBlock;
DETSetPropertyEditableBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallBackFunctions; { Requested function }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target for the request }
property: INTEGER; { The property to apply the request to }
propertyEditable: BOOLEAN; { -> Value to set editable flag on property to }
filler1: BOOLEAN;
DETDirtyPropertyBlockPtr = ^DETDirtyPropertyBlock;
DETDirtyPropertyBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallBackFunctions; { Requested function }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target for the request }
property: INTEGER; { The property to apply the request to }
DETDoPropertyCommandBlockPtr = ^DETDoPropertyCommandBlock;
DETDoPropertyCommandBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallBackFunctions; { Requested function }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target for the request }
property: INTEGER; { The property to apply the request to }
parameter: LONGINT; { -> Parameter of command }
DETSublistCountBlockPtr = ^DETSublistCountBlock;
DETSublistCountBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallBackFunctions; { Requested function }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target for the request }
count: LONGINT; { <- The number of items in the current item's sublist }
DETSelectedSublistCountBlockPtr = ^DETSelectedSublistCountBlock;
DETSelectedSublistCountBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallBackFunctions; { Requested function }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target for the request }
count: LONGINT; { <- The number of selected items in the current item's sublist }
DETRequestSyncBlockPtr = ^DETRequestSyncBlock;
DETRequestSyncBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallBackFunctions; { Requested function }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target for the request }
DETAddMenuBlockPtr = ^DETAddMenuBlock;
DETAddMenuBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallBackFunctions; { Requested function }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target for the request }
property: INTEGER; { The property to apply the request to }
name: RStringPtr; { -> Name of new menu item }
parameter: LONGINT; { -> Parameter to return when this item is selected }
addAfter: LONGINT; { -> Parameter of entry to add after, or -1 for add at end }
DETRemoveMenuBlockPtr = ^DETRemoveMenuBlock;
DETRemoveMenuBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallBackFunctions; { Requested function }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target for the request }
property: INTEGER; { The property to apply the request to }
itemToRemove: LONGINT; { -> Parameter of menu item to remove }
DETMenuItemRStringBlockPtr = ^DETMenuItemRStringBlock;
DETMenuItemRStringBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallBackFunctions; { Requested function }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target for the request }
property: INTEGER; { The property to apply the request to }
itemParameter: LONGINT; { -> Parameter of menu item to return string for }
rString: RStringHandle; { <- Handle with the RString (caller must DisposHandle() when done) }
DETOpenDSSpecBlockPtr = ^DETOpenDSSpecBlock;
reqFunction: DETCallBackFunctions; { Requested function }
dsSpec: PackedDSSpecPtr; { -> DSSpec of object to be opened }
DETAboutToTalkBlockPtr = ^DETAboutToTalkBlock;
DETAboutToTalkBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallBackFunctions; { Requested function }
DETBreakAttributeBlockPtr = ^DETBreakAttributeBlock;
DETBreakAttributeBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallBackFunctions; { Requested function }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target for the request }
breakAttribute: AttributePtr; { -> Attribute to parse }
isChangeable: BOOLEAN; { -> True if the value can be changed by the user }
filler1: BOOLEAN;
DETSavePropertyBlockPtr = ^DETSavePropertyBlock;
DETSavePropertyBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallBackFunctions; { Requested function }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target for the request }
property: INTEGER; { The property to apply the request to }
DETGetCustomViewUserReferenceBlockPtr = ^DETGetCustomViewUserReferenceBlock;
DETGetCustomViewUserReferenceBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallBackFunctions; { Requested function }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target for the request }
property: INTEGER; { The property to apply the request to }
userReference: INTEGER; { <- User reference value, as specified in the .r file }
DETGetCustomViewBoundsBlockPtr = ^DETGetCustomViewBoundsBlock;
DETGetCustomViewBoundsBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallBackFunctions; { Requested function }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target for the request }
property: INTEGER; { The property to apply the request to }
bounds: Rect; { <- Bounds of the view }
DETGetResourceBlockPtr = ^DETGetResourceBlock;
DETGetResourceBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallBackFunctions; { Requested function }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target for the request }
property: INTEGER; { The property to apply the request to }
resourceType: ResType; { -> Resource type }
theResource: Handle; { <- The resource handle (caller must dispose when done) }
DETTemplateCountsPtr = ^DETTemplateCounts;
DETTemplateCounts = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallBackFunctions; { Requested function }
aspectTemplateCount: LONGINT; { <- Number of aspect templates in the system }
infoPageTemplateCount: LONGINT; { <- Number of info-page templates in the system }
DETUnloadTemplatesBlockPtr = ^DETUnloadTemplatesBlock;
DETUnloadTemplatesBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallBackFunctions; { Requested function }
DETCallBackBlockPtr = ^DETCallBackBlock;
DETCallBackBlock = RECORD
0: (
protoCallBack: DETProtoCallBackBlock;
1: (
beep: DETBeepBlock;
2: (
busy: DETBusyBlock;
3: (
changeCallFors: DETChangeCallForsBlock;
4: (
getCommandSelectionCount: DETGetCommandSelectionCountBlock;
5: (
getCommandItemN: DETGetCommandItemNBlock;
6: (
getDSSpec: DETGetDSSpecBlock;
7: (
getTemplateFSSpec: DETGetTemplateFSSpecBlock;
8: (
getOpenEdit: DETGetOpenEditBlock;
9: (
closeEdit: DETCloseEditBlock;
10: (
getPropertyType: DETGetPropertyTypeBlock;
11: (
getPropertyNumber: DETGetPropertyNumberBlock;
12: (
getPropertyRString: DETGetPropertyRStringBlock;
13: (
getPropertyBinarySize: DETGetPropertyBinarySizeBlock;
14: (
getPropertyBinary: DETGetPropertyBinaryBlock;
15: (
getPropertyChanged: DETGetPropertyChangedBlock;
16: (
getPropertyEditable: DETGetPropertyEditableBlock;
17: (
setPropertyType: DETSetPropertyTypeBlock;
18: (
setPropertyNumber: DETSetPropertyNumberBlock;
19: (
setPropertyRString: DETSetPropertyRStringBlock;
20: (
setPropertyBinary: DETSetPropertyBinaryBlock;
21: (
setPropertyChanged: DETSetPropertyChangedBlock;
22: (
setPropertyEditable: DETSetPropertyEditableBlock;
23: (
dirtyProperty: DETDirtyPropertyBlock;
24: (
doPropertyCommand: DETDoPropertyCommandBlock;
25: (
sublistCount: DETSublistCountBlock;
26: (
selectedSublistCount: DETSelectedSublistCountBlock;
27: (
requestSync: DETRequestSyncBlock;
28: (
addMenu: DETAddMenuBlock;
29: (
removeMenu: DETRemoveMenuBlock;
30: (
menuItemRString: DETMenuItemRStringBlock;
31: (
openDSSpec: DETOpenDSSpecBlock;
32: (
aboutToTalk: DETAboutToTalkBlock;
33: (
breakAttribute: DETBreakAttributeBlock;
34: (
saveProperty: DETSavePropertyBlock;
35: (
getCustomViewUserReference: DETGetCustomViewUserReferenceBlock;
36: (
getCustomViewBounds: DETGetCustomViewBoundsBlock;
37: (
getResource: DETGetResourceBlock;
38: (
templateCounts: DETTemplateCounts;
39: (
unloadTemplates: DETUnloadTemplatesBlock;
DETCallBlockPtr = ^DETCallBlock;
DETCallBackProcPtr = ProcPtr; { FUNCTION DETCallBack(VAR callBlockPtr: DETCallBlock; callBackBlockPtr: DETCallBackBlockPtr): OSErr; }
DETCallBackUPP = UniversalProcPtr;
DETCallBack = DETCallBackUPP;
DETProtoCallBlockPtr = ^DETProtoCallBlock;
DETProtoCallBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallFunctions; { Requested function }
callBack: DETCallBack; { Pointer to call-back routine }
callBackPrivate: LONGINT; { Private data for the call-back routine }
templatePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (stays for life of code resource, }
{ common to all invocations of code resource) }
instancePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (separate for each item using the }
{ code resource) }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target (originator) of the call, for targeted and property calls }
targetIsMainAspect: BOOLEAN; { True if the target is the main aspect (even though it has a non-nil name) }
filler1: BOOLEAN;
property: INTEGER; { The property number the call refers to }
DETInitBlockPtr = ^DETInitBlock;
reqFunction: DETCallFunctions; { Requested function }
callBack: DETCallBack; { Pointer to call-back routine }
callBackPrivate: LONGINT; { Private data for the call-back routine }
templatePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (stays for life of code resource, common to all invocations of code resource) }
newCallFors: LONGINT; { <- New call-for mask }
DETExitBlockPtr = ^DETExitBlock;
reqFunction: DETCallFunctions; { Requested function }
callBack: DETCallBack; { Pointer to call-back routine }
callBackPrivate: LONGINT; { Private data for the call-back routine }
templatePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (stays for life of code resource, common to all invocations of code resource) }
DETInstanceInitBlockPtr = ^DETInstanceInitBlock;
DETInstanceInitBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallFunctions; { Requested function }
callBack: DETCallBack; { Pointer to call-back routine }
callBackPrivate: LONGINT; { Private data for the call-back routine }
templatePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (stays for life of code resource, }
{ common to all invocations of code resource) }
instancePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (separate for each item using the }
{ code resource) }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target (originator) of the call, for targeted and property calls }
targetIsMainAspect: BOOLEAN; { True if the target is the main aspect (even though it has a non-nil name) }
filler1: BOOLEAN;
DETInstanceExitBlockPtr = ^DETInstanceExitBlock;
DETInstanceExitBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallFunctions; { Requested function }
callBack: DETCallBack; { Pointer to call-back routine }
callBackPrivate: LONGINT; { Private data for the call-back routine }
templatePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (stays for life of code resource, }
{ common to all invocations of code resource) }
instancePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (separate for each item using the }
{ code resource) }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target (originator) of the call, for targeted and property calls }
targetIsMainAspect: BOOLEAN; { True if the target is the main aspect (even though it has a non-nil name) }
filler1: BOOLEAN;
DETInstanceIdleBlockPtr = ^DETInstanceIdleBlock;
DETInstanceIdleBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallFunctions; { Requested function }
callBack: DETCallBack; { Pointer to call-back routine }
callBackPrivate: LONGINT; { Private data for the call-back routine }
templatePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (stays for life of code resource, }
{ common to all invocations of code resource) }
instancePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (separate for each item using the }
{ code resource) }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target (originator) of the call, for targeted and property calls }
targetIsMainAspect: BOOLEAN; { True if the target is the main aspect (even though it has a non-nil name) }
filler1: BOOLEAN;
DETPropertyCommandBlockPtr = ^DETPropertyCommandBlock;
DETPropertyCommandBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallFunctions; { Requested function }
callBack: DETCallBack; { Pointer to call-back routine }
callBackPrivate: LONGINT; { Private data for the call-back routine }
templatePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (stays for life of code resource, }
{ common to all invocations of code resource) }
instancePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (separate for each item using the }
{ code resource) }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target (originator) of the call, for targeted and property calls }
targetIsMainAspect: BOOLEAN; { True if the target is the main aspect (even though it has a non-nil name) }
filler1: BOOLEAN;
property: INTEGER; { The property number the call refers to }
parameter: LONGINT; { -> Parameter of command }
DETMaximumTextLengthBlockPtr = ^DETMaximumTextLengthBlock;
DETMaximumTextLengthBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallFunctions; { Requested function }
callBack: DETCallBack; { Pointer to call-back routine }
callBackPrivate: LONGINT; { Private data for the call-back routine }
templatePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (stays for life of code resource, }
{ common to all invocations of code resource) }
instancePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (separate for each item using the }
{ code resource) }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target (originator) of the call, for targeted and property calls }
targetIsMainAspect: BOOLEAN; { True if the target is the main aspect (even though it has a non-nil name) }
filler1: BOOLEAN;
property: INTEGER; { The property number the call refers to }
maxSize: LONGINT; { <- Return the maximum number of characters the user can entry when property is edited in an EditText }
DETViewListChangedBlockPtr = ^DETViewListChangedBlock;
DETViewListChangedBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallFunctions; { Requested function }
callBack: DETCallBack; { Pointer to call-back routine }
callBackPrivate: LONGINT; { Private data for the call-back routine }
templatePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (stays for life of code resource, }
{ common to all invocations of code resource) }
instancePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (separate for each item using the }
{ code resource) }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target (originator) of the call, for targeted and property calls }
targetIsMainAspect: BOOLEAN; { True if the target is the main aspect (even though it has a non-nil name) }
filler1: BOOLEAN;
DETPropertyDirtiedBlockPtr = ^DETPropertyDirtiedBlock;
DETPropertyDirtiedBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallFunctions; { Requested function }
callBack: DETCallBack; { Pointer to call-back routine }
callBackPrivate: LONGINT; { Private data for the call-back routine }
templatePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (stays for life of code resource, }
{ common to all invocations of code resource) }
instancePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (separate for each item using the }
{ code resource) }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target (originator) of the call, for targeted and property calls }
targetIsMainAspect: BOOLEAN; { True if the target is the main aspect (even though it has a non-nil name) }
filler1: BOOLEAN;
property: INTEGER; { The property number the call refers to }
DETValidateSaveBlockPtr = ^DETValidateSaveBlock;
DETValidateSaveBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallFunctions; { Requested function }
callBack: DETCallBack; { Pointer to call-back routine }
callBackPrivate: LONGINT; { Private data for the call-back routine }
templatePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (stays for life of code resource, }
{ common to all invocations of code resource) }
instancePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (separate for each item using the }
{ code resource) }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target (originator) of the call, for targeted and property calls }
targetIsMainAspect: BOOLEAN; { True if the target is the main aspect (even though it has a non-nil name) }
filler1: BOOLEAN;
errorString: RStringHandle; { <- Handle with error string if validation fails (callee must allocate handle, DE will DisposHandle() it) }
DETDropQueryBlockPtr = ^DETDropQueryBlock;
DETDropQueryBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallFunctions; { Requested function }
callBack: DETCallBack; { Pointer to call-back routine }
callBackPrivate: LONGINT; { Private data for the call-back routine }
templatePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (stays for life of code resource, }
{ common to all invocations of code resource) }
instancePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (separate for each item using the }
{ code resource) }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target (originator) of the call, for targeted and property calls }
targetIsMainAspect: BOOLEAN; { True if the target is the main aspect (even though it has a non-nil name) }
filler1: BOOLEAN;
modifiers: INTEGER; { -> Modifiers at drop time (option/control/command/shift keys) }
commandID: LONGINT; { <-> Command ID (kDETDoNothing, kDETMove, kDETDrag (copy), kDETAlias, or a property number) }
destinationType: AttributeType; { <-> Type to convert attribute to }
copyToHFS: BOOLEAN; { <- If true, object should be copied to HFS before being operated on, and deleted after }
filler2: BOOLEAN;
DETDropMeQueryBlockPtr = ^DETDropMeQueryBlock;
DETDropMeQueryBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallFunctions; { Requested function }
callBack: DETCallBack; { Pointer to call-back routine }
callBackPrivate: LONGINT; { Private data for the call-back routine }
templatePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (stays for life of code resource, }
{ common to all invocations of code resource) }
instancePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (separate for each item using the }
{ code resource) }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target (originator) of the call, for targeted and property calls }
targetIsMainAspect: BOOLEAN; { True if the target is the main aspect (even though it has a non-nil name) }
filler1: BOOLEAN;
modifiers: INTEGER; { -> Modifiers at drop time (option/control/command/shift keys) }
commandID: LONGINT; { <-> Command ID (kDETDoNothing, kDETMove, kDETDrag (copy), kDETAlias, or a property number) }
destinationType: AttributeType; { <-> Type to convert attribute to }
copyToHFS: BOOLEAN; { <- If true, object should be copied to HFS before being operated on, and deleted after }
filler2: BOOLEAN;
DETAttributeCreationBlockPtr = ^DETAttributeCreationBlock;
DETAttributeCreationBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallFunctions; { Requested function }
callBack: DETCallBack; { Pointer to call-back routine }
callBackPrivate: LONGINT; { Private data for the call-back routine }
templatePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (stays for life of code resource, common to all invocations of code resource) }
parent: PackedDSSpecPtr; { -> The object within which the creation will occur }
refNum: INTEGER; { -> Refnum for returned address (DSSpecs in PDs only) }
identity: AuthIdentity; { -> The identity we're browsing as in the parent object }
attrType: AttributeType; { <-> The type of the attribute being created }
attrTag: AttributeTag; { <-> The tag of the attribute being created }
value: Handle; { <-> The value to write (pre-allocated, resize as needed) }
DETAttributeNewBlockPtr = ^DETAttributeNewBlock;
DETAttributeNewBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallFunctions; { Requested function }
callBack: DETCallBack; { Pointer to call-back routine }
callBackPrivate: LONGINT; { Private data for the call-back routine }
templatePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (stays for life of code resource, }
{ common to all invocations of code resource) }
instancePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (separate for each item using the }
{ code resource) }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target (originator) of the call, for targeted and property calls }
targetIsMainAspect: BOOLEAN; { True if the target is the main aspect (even though it has a non-nil name) }
filler1: BOOLEAN;
parent: PackedDSSpecPtr; { -> The object within which the creation will occur }
refNum: INTEGER; { -> Refnum for returned address (DSSpecs in PDs only) }
identity: AuthIdentity; { -> The identity we're browsing as in the parent object }
attrType: AttributeType; { <-> The type of the attribute being created }
attrTag: AttributeTag; { <-> The tag of the attribute being created }
value: Handle; { <-> The value to write (pre-allocated, resize as needed) }
DETAttributeChangeBlockPtr = ^DETAttributeChangeBlock;
DETAttributeChangeBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallFunctions; { Requested function }
callBack: DETCallBack; { Pointer to call-back routine }
callBackPrivate: LONGINT; { Private data for the call-back routine }
templatePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (stays for life of code resource, }
{ common to all invocations of code resource) }
instancePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (separate for each item using the }
{ code resource) }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target (originator) of the call, for targeted and property calls }
targetIsMainAspect: BOOLEAN; { True if the target is the main aspect (even though it has a non-nil name) }
filler1: BOOLEAN;
parent: PackedDSSpecPtr; { -> The object within which the creation will occur }
refNum: INTEGER; { -> Refnum for returned address (DSSpecs in PDs only) }
identity: AuthIdentity; { -> The identity we're browsing as in the parent object }
attrType: AttributeType; { <-> The type of the attribute being changed }
attrTag: AttributeTag; { <-> The tag of the attribute being changed }
attrCID: AttributeCreationID; { <-> The CID of the attribute being changed }
value: Handle; { <-> The value to write (pre-allocated, resize as needed) }
DETAttributeDeleteBlockPtr = ^DETAttributeDeleteBlock;
DETAttributeDeleteBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallFunctions; { Requested function }
callBack: DETCallBack; { Pointer to call-back routine }
callBackPrivate: LONGINT; { Private data for the call-back routine }
templatePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (stays for life of code resource, }
{ common to all invocations of code resource) }
instancePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (separate for each item using the }
{ code resource) }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target (originator) of the call, for targeted and property calls }
targetIsMainAspect: BOOLEAN; { True if the target is the main aspect (even though it has a non-nil name) }
filler1: BOOLEAN;
dsSpec: PackedDSSpecPtr; { -> The object which will be deleted }
refNum: INTEGER; { -> Refnum for returned address (DSSpecs in PDs only) }
identity: AuthIdentity; { -> The identity we're browsing as }
DETItemNewBlockPtr = ^DETItemNewBlock;
DETItemNewBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallFunctions; { Requested function }
callBack: DETCallBack; { Pointer to call-back routine }
callBackPrivate: LONGINT; { Private data for the call-back routine }
templatePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (stays for life of code resource, }
{ common to all invocations of code resource) }
instancePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (separate for each item using the }
{ code resource) }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target (originator) of the call, for targeted and property calls }
targetIsMainAspect: BOOLEAN; { True if the target is the main aspect (even though it has a non-nil name) }
filler1: BOOLEAN;
DETShouldSyncBlockPtr = ^DETShouldSyncBlock;
DETShouldSyncBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallFunctions; { Requested function }
callBack: DETCallBack; { Pointer to call-back routine }
callBackPrivate: LONGINT; { Private data for the call-back routine }
templatePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (stays for life of code resource, }
{ common to all invocations of code resource) }
instancePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (separate for each item using the }
{ code resource) }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target (originator) of the call, for targeted and property calls }
targetIsMainAspect: BOOLEAN; { True if the target is the main aspect (even though it has a non-nil name) }
filler1: BOOLEAN;
shouldSync: BOOLEAN; { <- True if we should now sync with catalog }
filler2: BOOLEAN;
DETDoSyncBlockPtr = ^DETDoSyncBlock;
reqFunction: DETCallFunctions; { Requested function }
callBack: DETCallBack; { Pointer to call-back routine }
callBackPrivate: LONGINT; { Private data for the call-back routine }
templatePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (stays for life of code resource, }
{ common to all invocations of code resource) }
instancePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (separate for each item using the }
{ code resource) }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target (originator) of the call, for targeted and property calls }
targetIsMainAspect: BOOLEAN; { True if the target is the main aspect (even though it has a non-nil name) }
filler1: BOOLEAN;
DETPatternInBlockPtr = ^DETPatternInBlock;
DETPatternInBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallFunctions; { Requested function }
callBack: DETCallBack; { Pointer to call-back routine }
callBackPrivate: LONGINT; { Private data for the call-back routine }
templatePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (stays for life of code resource, }
{ common to all invocations of code resource) }
instancePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (separate for each item using the }
{ code resource) }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target (originator) of the call, for targeted and property calls }
targetIsMainAspect: BOOLEAN; { True if the target is the main aspect (even though it has a non-nil name) }
filler1: BOOLEAN;
property: INTEGER; { The property number the call refers to }
elementType: LONGINT; { -> Element type from pattern }
extra: LONGINT; { -> Extra field from pattern }
attribute: AttributePtr; { -> The complete attribute }
dataOffset: LONGINT; { <-> Offset to current (next) byte }
bitOffset: INTEGER; { <-> Bit offset (next bit is *fData >> fBitOffset++) }
DETPatternOutBlockPtr = ^DETPatternOutBlock;
DETPatternOutBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallFunctions; { Requested function }
callBack: DETCallBack; { Pointer to call-back routine }
callBackPrivate: LONGINT; { Private data for the call-back routine }
templatePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (stays for life of code resource, }
{ common to all invocations of code resource) }
instancePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (separate for each item using the }
{ code resource) }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target (originator) of the call, for targeted and property calls }
targetIsMainAspect: BOOLEAN; { True if the target is the main aspect (even though it has a non-nil name) }
filler1: BOOLEAN;
property: INTEGER; { The property number the call refers to }
elementType: LONGINT; { -> Element type from pattern }
extra: LONGINT; { -> Extra field from pattern }
attribute: AttributePtr; { -> The attribute (minus the data portion) }
data: Handle; { -> Data to be written (pre-allocated, resize and add at end) }
dataOffset: LONGINT; { <-> Offset to next byte to write }
bitOffset: INTEGER; { <-> Bit offset (if zero, handle will need to be resized to one more byte before write) }
DETOpenSelfBlockPtr = ^DETOpenSelfBlock;
DETOpenSelfBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallFunctions; { Requested function }
callBack: DETCallBack; { Pointer to call-back routine }
callBackPrivate: LONGINT; { Private data for the call-back routine }
templatePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (stays for life of code resource, }
{ common to all invocations of code resource) }
instancePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (separate for each item using the }
{ code resource) }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target (originator) of the call, for targeted and property calls }
targetIsMainAspect: BOOLEAN; { True if the target is the main aspect (even though it has a non-nil name) }
filler1: BOOLEAN;
modifiers: INTEGER; { -> Modifiers at open time (option/control/command/shift keys) }
DETConvertToNumberBlockPtr = ^DETConvertToNumberBlock;
DETConvertToNumberBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallFunctions; { Requested function }
callBack: DETCallBack; { Pointer to call-back routine }
callBackPrivate: LONGINT; { Private data for the call-back routine }
templatePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (stays for life of code resource, }
{ common to all invocations of code resource) }
instancePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (separate for each item using the }
{ code resource) }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target (originator) of the call, for targeted and property calls }
targetIsMainAspect: BOOLEAN; { True if the target is the main aspect (even though it has a non-nil name) }
filler1: BOOLEAN;
property: INTEGER; { The property number the call refers to }
theValue: LONGINT; { <- The converted value to return }
DETConvertToRStringBlockPtr = ^DETConvertToRStringBlock;
DETConvertToRStringBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallFunctions; { Requested function }
callBack: DETCallBack; { Pointer to call-back routine }
callBackPrivate: LONGINT; { Private data for the call-back routine }
templatePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (stays for life of code resource, }
{ common to all invocations of code resource) }
instancePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (separate for each item using the }
{ code resource) }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target (originator) of the call, for targeted and property calls }
targetIsMainAspect: BOOLEAN; { True if the target is the main aspect (even though it has a non-nil name) }
filler1: BOOLEAN;
property: INTEGER; { The property number the call refers to }
theValue: RStringHandle; { <- A handle with the converted value (callee must allocate handle, DE will DisposHandle() it) }
DETConvertFromNumberBlockPtr = ^DETConvertFromNumberBlock;
DETConvertFromNumberBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallFunctions; { Requested function }
callBack: DETCallBack; { Pointer to call-back routine }
callBackPrivate: LONGINT; { Private data for the call-back routine }
templatePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (stays for life of code resource, }
{ common to all invocations of code resource) }
instancePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (separate for each item using the }
{ code resource) }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target (originator) of the call, for targeted and property calls }
targetIsMainAspect: BOOLEAN; { True if the target is the main aspect (even though it has a non-nil name) }
filler1: BOOLEAN;
property: INTEGER; { The property number the call refers to }
theValue: LONGINT; { -> The value to convert (result should be written direct to the property) }
DETConvertFromRStringBlockPtr = ^DETConvertFromRStringBlock;
DETConvertFromRStringBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallFunctions; { Requested function }
callBack: DETCallBack; { Pointer to call-back routine }
callBackPrivate: LONGINT; { Private data for the call-back routine }
templatePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (stays for life of code resource, }
{ common to all invocations of code resource) }
instancePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (separate for each item using the }
{ code resource) }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target (originator) of the call, for targeted and property calls }
targetIsMainAspect: BOOLEAN; { True if the target is the main aspect (even though it has a non-nil name) }
filler1: BOOLEAN;
property: INTEGER; { The property number the call refers to }
theValue: RStringPtr; { -> The value to convert (result should be written direct to the property) }
DETCustomViewDrawBlockPtr = ^DETCustomViewDrawBlock;
DETCustomViewDrawBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallFunctions; { Requested function }
callBack: DETCallBack; { Pointer to call-back routine }
callBackPrivate: LONGINT; { Private data for the call-back routine }
templatePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (stays for life of code resource, }
{ common to all invocations of code resource) }
instancePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (separate for each item using the }
{ code resource) }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target (originator) of the call, for targeted and property calls }
targetIsMainAspect: BOOLEAN; { True if the target is the main aspect (even though it has a non-nil name) }
filler1: BOOLEAN;
property: INTEGER; { The property number the call refers to }
DETCustomViewMouseDownBlockPtr = ^DETCustomViewMouseDownBlock;
DETCustomViewMouseDownBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallFunctions; { Requested function }
callBack: DETCallBack; { Pointer to call-back routine }
callBackPrivate: LONGINT; { Private data for the call-back routine }
templatePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (stays for life of code resource, }
{ common to all invocations of code resource) }
instancePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (separate for each item using the }
{ code resource) }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target (originator) of the call, for targeted and property calls }
targetIsMainAspect: BOOLEAN; { True if the target is the main aspect (even though it has a non-nil name) }
filler1: BOOLEAN;
property: INTEGER; { The property number the call refers to }
theEvent: EventRecordPtr; { -> The original event record of the mouse-down }
DETKeyPressBlockPtr = ^DETKeyPressBlock;
DETKeyPressBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallFunctions; { Requested function }
callBack: DETCallBack; { Pointer to call-back routine }
callBackPrivate: LONGINT; { Private data for the call-back routine }
templatePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (stays for life of code resource, }
{ common to all invocations of code resource) }
instancePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (separate for each item using the }
{ code resource) }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target (originator) of the call, for targeted and property calls }
targetIsMainAspect: BOOLEAN; { True if the target is the main aspect (even though it has a non-nil name) }
filler1: BOOLEAN;
property: INTEGER; { The property number the call refers to }
theEvent: EventRecordPtr; { -> The original event record of the key-press }
DETPasteBlockPtr = ^DETPasteBlock;
DETPasteBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallFunctions; { Requested function }
callBack: DETCallBack; { Pointer to call-back routine }
callBackPrivate: LONGINT; { Private data for the call-back routine }
templatePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (stays for life of code resource, }
{ common to all invocations of code resource) }
instancePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (separate for each item using the }
{ code resource) }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target (originator) of the call, for targeted and property calls }
targetIsMainAspect: BOOLEAN; { True if the target is the main aspect (even though it has a non-nil name) }
filler1: BOOLEAN;
property: INTEGER; { The property number the call refers to }
modifiers: INTEGER; { -> Modifiers at paste time (option/control/command/shift keys) }
DETCustomMenuSelectedBlockPtr = ^DETCustomMenuSelectedBlock;
DETCustomMenuSelectedBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallFunctions; { Requested function }
callBack: DETCallBack; { Pointer to call-back routine }
callBackPrivate: LONGINT; { Private data for the call-back routine }
templatePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (stays for life of code resource, }
{ common to all invocations of code resource) }
instancePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (separate for each item using the }
{ code resource) }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target (originator) of the call, for targeted and property calls }
targetIsMainAspect: BOOLEAN; { True if the target is the main aspect (even though it has a non-nil name) }
filler1: BOOLEAN;
menuTableParameter: INTEGER; { -> The "property" field from the custom menu table }
DETCustomMenuEnabledBlockPtr = ^DETCustomMenuEnabledBlock;
DETCustomMenuEnabledBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallFunctions; { Requested function }
callBack: DETCallBack; { Pointer to call-back routine }
callBackPrivate: LONGINT; { Private data for the call-back routine }
templatePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (stays for life of code resource, }
{ common to all invocations of code resource) }
instancePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (separate for each item using the }
{ code resource) }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target (originator) of the call, for targeted and property calls }
targetIsMainAspect: BOOLEAN; { True if the target is the main aspect (even though it has a non-nil name) }
filler1: BOOLEAN;
menuTableParameter: INTEGER; { -> The "property" field from the custom menu table }
enable: BOOLEAN; { <- Whether to enable the menu item }
filler2: BOOLEAN;
DETForwarderListItemPtr = ^DETForwarderListItem;
DETForwarderListItem = RECORD
next: ^DETForwarderListItemPtr; { Pointer to next item, or nil }
attributeValueTag: AttributeTag; { Tag of new templates (0 for none) }
rstrs: PackedPathName; { Record type (empty if none), attrbute type (empty if none),list of template names to forward to }
DETForwarderListPtr = ^DETForwarderListItem;
DETForwarderListHandle = ^DETForwarderListPtr;
DETDynamicForwardersBlockPtr = ^DETDynamicForwardersBlock;
DETDynamicForwardersBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallFunctions; { Requested function }
callBack: DETCallBack; { Pointer to call-back routine }
callBackPrivate: LONGINT; { Private data for the call-back routine }
templatePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (stays for life of code resource, common to all invocations of code resource) }
forwarders: DETForwarderListHandle; { <- List of forwaders }
DETDynamicResourceBlockPtr = ^DETDynamicResourceBlock;
DETDynamicResourceBlock = RECORD
reqFunction: DETCallFunctions; { Requested function }
callBack: DETCallBack; { Pointer to call-back routine }
callBackPrivate: LONGINT; { Private data for the call-back routine }
templatePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (stays for life of code resource, }
{ common to all invocations of code resource) }
instancePrivate: LONGINT; { Private storage for use by code resource (separate for each item using the }
{ code resource) }
target: DETTargetSpecification; { The target (originator) of the call, for targeted and property calls }
targetIsMainAspect: BOOLEAN; { True if the target is the main aspect (even though it has a non-nil name) }
filler1: BOOLEAN;
resourceType: ResType; { -> The resource type being requested }
propertyNumber: INTEGER; { -> The property number of the resource being requested }
resourceID: INTEGER; { -> The resource ID (base ID + property number) of the resource }
theResource: Handle; { <- The requested resource }
0: (
protoCall: DETProtoCallBlock;
1: (
init: DETInitBlock;
2: (
exit: DETExitBlock;
3: (
instanceInit: DETInstanceInitBlock;
4: (
instanceExit: DETInstanceExitBlock;
5: (
instanceIdle: DETInstanceIdleBlock;
6: (
propertyCommand: DETPropertyCommandBlock;
7: (
maximumTextLength: DETMaximumTextLengthBlock;
8: (
viewListChanged: DETViewListChangedBlock;
9: (
propertyDirtied: DETPropertyDirtiedBlock;
10: (
validateSave: DETValidateSaveBlock;
11: (
dropQuery: DETDropQueryBlock;
12: (
dropMeQuery: DETDropMeQueryBlock;
13: (
attributeCreationBlock: DETAttributeCreationBlock;
14: (
attributeNew: DETAttributeNewBlock;
15: (
attributeChange: DETAttributeChangeBlock;
16: (
attributeDelete: DETAttributeDeleteBlock;
17: (
itemNew: DETItemNewBlock;
18: (
patternIn: DETPatternInBlock;
19: (
patternOut: DETPatternOutBlock;
20: (
shouldSync: DETShouldSyncBlock;
21: (
doSync: DETDoSyncBlock;
22: (
openSelf: DETOpenSelfBlock;
23: (
convertToNumber: DETConvertToNumberBlock;
24: (
convertToRString: DETConvertToRStringBlock;
25: (
convertFromNumber: DETConvertFromNumberBlock;
26: (
convertFromRString: DETConvertFromRStringBlock;
27: (
customViewDraw: DETCustomViewDrawBlock;
28: (
customViewMouseDown: DETCustomViewMouseDownBlock;
29: (
keyPress: DETKeyPressBlock;
30: (
paste: DETPasteBlock;
31: (
customMenuSelected: DETCustomMenuSelectedBlock;
32: (
customMenuEnabled: DETCustomMenuEnabledBlock;
33: (
dynamicForwarders: DETDynamicForwardersBlock;
34: (
dynamicResource: DETDynamicResourceBlock;
uppDETCallBackProcInfo = $000003E0;
FUNCTION CallDETCallBackProc(VAR callBlockPtr: DETCallBlock; callBackBlockPtr: DETCallBackBlockPtr; userRoutine: DETCallBackUPP): OSErr;
INLINE $205F, $4E90;
FUNCTION NewDETCallBackProc(userRoutine: DETCallBackProcPtr): DETCallBackUPP;
{ Call-for list: }
kDETCallForOther = 1; { Call for things not listed below (also auto-enabled by DE if any of the below are enabled) }
kDETCallForIdle = 2; { kDETcmdIdle }
kDETCallForCommands = 4; { kDETcmdPropertyCommand, kDETcmdSelfOpen }
kDETCallForViewChanges = 8; { kDETcmdViewListChanged, kDETcmdPropertyDirtied, kDETcmdMaximumTextLength }
kDETCallForDrops = $10; { kDETcmdDropQuery, kDETcmdDropMeQuery }
kDETCallForAttributes = $20; { kDETcmdAttributeCreation, kDETcmdAttributeNew, kDETcmdAttributeChange, kDETcmdAttributeDelete }
kDETCallForValidation = $40; { kDETcmdValidateSave }
kDETCallForKeyPresses = $80; { kDETcmdKeyPress and kDETcmdPaste }
kDETCallForResources = $0100; { kDETcmdDynamicResource }
kDETCallForSyncing = $0200; { kDETcmdShouldSync, kDETcmdDoSync }
kDETCallForEscalation = $8000; { All calls escalated from the next lower level }
kDETCallForNothing = 0; { None of the above }
kDETCallForEverything = $FFFFFFFF; { All of the above }
DETCallProcPtr = ProcPtr; { FUNCTION DETCall(callBlockPtr: DETCallBlockPtr): OSErr; }
DETCallUPP = UniversalProcPtr;
uppDETCallProcInfo = $000000E0;
FUNCTION NewDETCallProc(userRoutine: DETCallProcPtr): DETCallUPP;
FUNCTION CallDETCallProc(callBlockPtr: DETCallBlockPtr; userRoutine: DETCallUPP): OSErr;
INLINE $205F, $4E90;
{ This following macro saves you from having to dig out the call-back pointer from the call block: }
{ ********************************************************************************** }
{ ******************************** SAM Definitions: ******************************** }
{ ********************************************************************************** }
{ SAM Developers should use property numbers starting at this point: }
kSAMFirstDevProperty = 50;
SAM templates have additional resources/properties that are required
for interaction with the AOCE Key Chain.
Type Offset Description
---- ------ -----------
'rstr' kSAMAspectUserName The user name
'rstr' kSAMAspectKind The kind of SAM
'detn' kSAMAspectCannotDelete If 0, then the slot cannot be deleted
'sami' kSAMAspectSlotCreationInfo The info required to create a slot record
kSAMAspectUserName = 41;
kSAMAspectKind = 42;
kSAMAspectCannotDelete = 43;
kSAMAspectSlotCreationInfo = 44;
********************************* Admin Definitions: *********************************
kDETAdminVersion = -978;
{$SETC UsingIncludes := OCETemplatesIncludes}
{$IFC NOT UsingIncludes}